
Mighty Assistant Overview

Quick Start


Only some of our extensions are encrypted yet partially. It means not all files are encrypted only few main files. All other files are open to be changed and adjusted if you wish.

We use ionCube encoder to encrypt PHP files. ionCube decoder(loader) can be yeasly and freely (NO COST) available on most commercial hosting servers or at least possible to install.

To check if ionCube loader is installed on your server click IonCube Check toolbar button .

If ionCube is not installed you need to contact your hosting server administrator. they should either install it or at least provide you an instruction who you can do it yourself.

Install ioncube on local server, download loader (decoder) and read installation instruction.

How Mighty Assistant Works

Mighty Assistant uses XMLRPC to communicate with website. It does not use SSL but if you entered your login and password then, when password passed to it is encrypted with MD5() encryption with is absolutely secure.

On first open per session, it makes check your login information and gets list of plans you have purchased for better assistance. To forse this check again inside same session use Refresh toolbar button.

Extension Licensing

Some of our components require commercial or tryout license to be installed. You can see license state on the right under toolbar.

How to install license?

How do I get tryout license?

Login to this site and click on My Licenses link in user menu. On the top you will see list of extensions with link to download tryout license.

How do I get commercial license?

To generate commercial license you have to purchase appropriate subscription. After all necessary purchases, Login to this site and click on My Licenses link in user menu. Under "Personal Commercial License Manager" you will see list of extensions you are able to generate licenses for. Please, use careful. You can add only one domain (per purchase). After domain added, click on that domain to get license.

If it is GPL why I cannot install some plugins/modules?

GPL license allows to be commercial. It means, though all GPL rulles apply, we still have rights to request payment for accessing the product.

but even though we try to make as much things available for free as possible and try to request purchase to cover our expenses on development and support.