Report created: 6/20/12 8:29:14 AM CDT Project name: Silk RED Bkg2.aep Source files collected to: /Users/CSG_1/Documents/VRANGEL/Freelance/PixelBling/GRAPHIC LAYOUT/PAGES/BKGS_MOV/AE/Silk RED Bkg2 Source files collected: All Collected comps: red stripe UPPER BANNRE RED BKG 2 BK BK_Parts Number of collected files: 6 Size of collected files: 845 MB Collected source files: /Volumes/CSG_4_ARTSHARE/CSG4__ARTSHARE/N E W S/NEWS GRAPHICS HD/SILK BKG AE/AE/(Footage)/BK_PARTS Layers/BK_PARTS.psd /Volumes/CSG_4_ARTSHARE/CSG4__ARTSHARE/N E W S/NEWS GRAPHICS HD/SILK BKG AE/AE/(Footage)/FS_New Master Layers/FS_New Master.psd /Volumes/CSG_4_ARTSHARE/CSG4__ARTSHARE/N E W S/NEWS GRAPHICS HD/SILK BKG AE/AE/(Footage)/yellow transition bar.tif /Volumes/CSG_4_ARTSHARE/CSG4__ARTSHARE/N E W S/NEWS GRAPHICS HD/SILK BKG AE/footage/First At 4pm News Screen Silk Raw /Volumes/CSG_4_ARTSHARE/CSG4__ARTSHARE/N E W S/NEWS GRAPHICS HD/SILK BKG AE/PSD/_BK_PARTS 2.psd /Volumes/CSG_4_ARTSHARE/CSG4__ARTSHARE/N E W S/NEWS GRAPHICS HD/SILK BKG AE/PSD/TexasFlag.jpg Rendering plug-ins: Advanced 3D Effects used: 7 Effect: Light Factory Effect: 4-Color Gradient Effect: CC Toner Effect: Drop Shadow Effect: Hue/Saturation Effect: Ramp Effect: Venetian Blinds Layer: Text Layer External dependencies: Font family: 'Helvetica Neue', Font style: '77 Bold Condensed Oblique'